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Eco Schools


Congratulations to all involved in helping us achieve this award.  

Dr Harrison, assessed our school on January 19th 2015 and was made to feel very welcome by our wonderful pupils and staff.

Laurencekirk Primary wins Gold for Aberdeenshire

Laurenckeirk Primary was awarded a Gold Award by the Woodland Trust for getting involved in green activities. We won the award for planting trees, reducing carbon emissions and recycling. We planted new trees in the school grounds, visited Denlethan Woods in the local village regularly and joined in various other Woodland Trust activities. Gold_school_logo

Laurencekirk Primary’s Eco Code

Our whole school participated in creating our Eco code and voted for this one helping to remind us all of the code and what we can do to Help Our World.

eco code

Our Eco Committee

This year our Eco Committee is made up of two Eco Warriors from each class. Their job is, as a committee, to meet together, discuss and decide how to help improve and protect our environment. This year, after carrying out an Environmental Review, the Committee has set three main Eco-School targets for Laurencekirk Primary.

  1. Litter
  2. Energy
  3. Transport