Laurencekirk School is proud to be part of the community and as such has developed a house system. This system helps children to be part of a smaller team within our school and as staff and pupils are important in our community all adults and children who work in the school join a house. This helps to engage the whole school community in building relationships.
As a house, children can earn tokens to achieve points. These tokens can be allocated for achieving a Bounce Back Target, being the house who has shown an improvement in lining up outside and sports day participation.
As well as it being a Positive Reward System it supports pupils and their families ensuring our pupils are:
- Safe
- Healthy
- Achieving
- Nurtured
- Active
- Respected and Responsible
- Included
Class teachers are always first contact between home and school. However if you wish to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team, please contact the school office.